Monday, October 27, 2008

thankyouuu for TODAY

aaaah..thankyouu bwt mapa coz today u have spent ur time to me.
u two have came to surabaya n we ate together(with other relatives too)to celebrate my sweet 17th bday=p
meski cuman makan2 tapi tq ya mapa uda mbelain dateng ksini tross langsong pulang solo lagi..huehuehuheuhe~
tq juga bwt all the bday wishes from all of u-my friends:D
today were GREAT!
I hope in this seventeeth age of me, I can be more patient and diligent!hahaha~
Sorry to all who had ever angry bcos of my bad bad behaviour.TT


Anonymous said...

cie ilehh....

tapi kok ga traktir2 kita2 ya liz?

purpLEEZ* said...

huahuhuahhua maap2 aku minta something soale mb mapa jadi yo gada traktiran.xD