pada tau sinetron "kepompong"
di sctv tiap hari jam setenga lima? tuh crita bagoosss lo! tentang persahabatan gitu lah. ada sekelompok anak SMA yang ngebentuk gank bernama DE RAINBOW. [nice name, isn't it?]
Apalagi disitu ada Derby Romero, salah satu tokoh utamanya. Pasti masi inget dong sama "Sadam", lawan mainnya sherina di "Petualangan Sherina"?
Sadam yang imut2 itu kini uda gedhe! gantheng pula.sepp dahh:)
Denger2 sejak dulu si Derby ini emang suka sama yang namanya debat! Jadi sekarang dia ambil jurusan Hukum..hebat yahh? uda pinter sekola, maen sinetron, nyanyi pula!
Dia nyanyiin Ending Theme'nya sinetron kepompong yang berjudul Gelora Asmara. Suaranya yang serak2 basah terdengar seksssiii..hahaha..baguuus lo tuh lagu.banyak yang pada stuju nihh^^
Pokoknya de rainbow keren deh.
Ada si cha2 the leader, bebi si perfeksionis yang gila belanja n suka banget ama fashion, tasya yang kalem lembut dan feminin, helen yang kutu buku, juga Indra yang ganteng.hahaha.[kok cuman ganteng yaaa?] hmm..Indra nih lelaki di antara para wanita di de rainbow..xD

Apalagi disitu ada Derby Romero, salah satu tokoh utamanya. Pasti masi inget dong sama "Sadam", lawan mainnya sherina di "Petualangan Sherina"?
Sadam yang imut2 itu kini uda gedhe! gantheng pula.sepp dahh:)
Denger2 sejak dulu si Derby ini emang suka sama yang namanya debat! Jadi sekarang dia ambil jurusan Hukum..hebat yahh? uda pinter sekola, maen sinetron, nyanyi pula!
Dia nyanyiin Ending Theme'nya sinetron kepompong yang berjudul Gelora Asmara. Suaranya yang serak2 basah terdengar seksssiii..hahaha..baguuus lo tuh lagu.banyak yang pada stuju nihh^^
Pokoknya de rainbow keren deh.
Ada si cha2 the leader, bebi si perfeksionis yang gila belanja n suka banget ama fashion, tasya yang kalem lembut dan feminin, helen yang kutu buku, juga Indra yang ganteng.hahaha.[kok cuman ganteng yaaa?] hmm..Indra nih lelaki di antara para wanita di de rainbow..xD
Pengen rasae punya temen2 kayak mreka yahh..
i wish my life's as lucky as them, as precious as they have, the BEST that i can get.
i sometimes delirious but envious too because there're noone happy or comfort with me [knowing that i've thinkin' much, rite?] wew~
I don't have any astonishing things in my LIFE or perhaps it's all just about my sentiments.
complaining, never satisfied and always feels negative.
hate that much.
hate that was myself.
hate im ruin
hate noones love
hate noones care
hate i feel all of those sucks
i do
im sucks
im just NEVER struggle everything i've had
all i've ever wanted is just LOST
i have NOBODY
i have NOTHING
they're all just LEAVIN'
leavin' me behind those dark and scary path
im all A.L.O.N.E
the evils stuck here beside me smiling looking at my sorrow
the light is turned OFF
have no spirit have no desire
i sometimes delirious but envious too because there're noone happy or comfort with me [knowing that i've thinkin' much, rite?] wew~
I don't have any astonishing things in my LIFE or perhaps it's all just about my sentiments.
complaining, never satisfied and always feels negative.
hate that much.
hate that was myself.
hate im ruin
hate noones love
hate noones care
hate i feel all of those sucks
i do
im sucks
im just NEVER struggle everything i've had
all i've ever wanted is just LOST
i have NOBODY
i have NOTHING
they're all just LEAVIN'
leavin' me behind those dark and scary path
im all A.L.O.N.E
the evils stuck here beside me smiling looking at my sorrow
the light is turned OFF
have no spirit have no desire
1 comment: too much complain and do's now 2009.i've to changed:']
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